God Fucking Damn You
So I go up to the Irishman and I'm all, "Hey, listen to this idea for a skit!"
Cause that's what I do when I live with you. Fucking annoy you.
"Okay, it'd be called the racist guy and..." Irishman's eyes glaze over.
"No, listen, it's really funny."
"Terra it's not funny, it's weird."
And here's the thing, of course it's fucking weird! I'M FUCKING WEIRD! And I fucking hate all these goddamn think inside the box cookie cutter people who can't get their heads out of their fucking asses long enough to fucking listen to me and use their goddamn fucking imagination to realize I'M FUNNY!
If I was on SNL or Mad these fucking people would be braying like donkeys, and I'd fucking own them! I could say, get me a glass of water, and these mindless fucks would fall out of their chairs laughing hysterically while I kicked them in the teeth.
Whatever, I'm wierd. Oh yeah, because the concept for Will Ferrell's Elf was so fucking normal.