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Tuesday, April 12, 2005 

Isn't It Ironic?

This fucking blog is pink. PINK! It's so fucking girly!

I chose it to water down the nastiness that I am about to spew forth.

So what am I peeved about? My roommate. When I go home I am going to take pictures of what it is like to live with a goddamn fucking pig cunt whore.

You will then have full permission to express your sympathies to me... in the meantime I would just appreciate cash. Lots.

And I guess this is one of my main gripes, if you are not going to go to work, you are not going to clean the house, AND you are not going to pay any of the bills, at all, let alone on time, you could at least give me head. Or I don't know.... lube me up before you fuck me in the ass.

By the way, thanks for not giving me any warning.

I'm sure I was asking for it.


Getting confused signals about Terra's sexuality... or maybe that's just when she's mad...

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About me

  • I'm TerraT
  • From South Bay, California, United States
  • I used to stand in the pantry trying to get Mrs. Butterworth to talk to me.

    That bitch never did though, so I ate her.
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